
  • dogsadmin

Factors that influence the cost of dog training

factors that can influence the cost of hiring a dog trainer: Experience and Credentials: Trainers that have been in the business for a long time, have the experience & certification .Also have good reviews may be more expensive than new trainers . Training Methods:The training methods used by the trainer will also make a big […]

  • dogsadmin

Drives & genetics

Understanding the Natural Instincts and Drives of Dogs To truly understand the behavior of a dog, you must understand why the breed was developed or preserved in its country of origin. Then it is important to be familiar with natural instincts of a dog, which are often referred to as drives in dog training. These […]

  • dogsadmin

Methods of dog training

Dog training involves teaching a dog to exhibit desirable behaviors in different environments. Everyone starts training with classical conditioning, but most good trainers quickly move on to operant conditioning, using positive and negative reinforcement, and positive and negative punishment, is one of the most effective techniques for dog training. Positive reinforcement involves rewarding a dog […]

  • dogsadmin

Why train your dog?

Pet dogs are wonderful companions and can bring joy and happiness into our lives. However, as much as we love our furry friends, they can sometimes exhibit unwanted behaviors that can be frustrating and challenging to deal with. This is where behavior training comes in it’s an essential aspect of pet ownership that helps ensure […]

  • dogsadmin

Benifits of boarding & training

Boarding and training a dog can be highly beneficial for both the dog and its owner. Here are some of the key reasons why boarding and training are important for dogs: # Basic obedience commands are imprinted (sit, stay, down, heel, sit stay, down stay & recall) these commands are to dog training what the  […]

  • dogsadmin

Dog training or Human training ??

Do we really train dogs or do we have to study to understand them better ? We humans need the training ,we learn different systems of training to communicate better with our dogs . Generally thats with everything in life ! Even when a human plan a child ,it always works out best when we […]

  • dogsadmin

Animals are Just Different Species

We are all animals just different species, dogs,humans, cats etc .We either follow or are followed! Hierarchy among social animals is an important trait and a must for the survival of a species. We need to understand that a puppy/dog comes from his/her litter & into our family (pack) thus making it important to maintain […]

  • dogsadmin

What is Dog Training

Dog training ! what is dog training? Dog training in actually teaching people to understand dogs .We just bridge the gap between two species of animals “Human & Dog .Yes yes don’t be surprised we humans are animals too ! Dog training in Mumbai-India is different I think. We in India are still catching up […]

  • dogsadmin

Understanding dog training systems

Dogs grow really fast ,the first year of a dog is 16 (human years) the second is nine & every year after that is five, make it super important to choose the right trainer / training system for your dog. Training dogs for sport is great & but training pet dogs according to the sport […]