Understanding dog training systems

Understanding dog training systems

Dogs grow really fast ,the first year of a dog is 16 (human years) the second is nine & every year after that is five, make it super important to choose the right trainer / training system for your dog.

Training dogs for sport is great & but training pet dogs according to the sport system is risky!

It is super important to understand the family you are working with & the environment the dog is going to live in, before you start this type of training or get a dog trainer.

City dog training & sport dog training are two very different things! A sport dog can live a city life with an Experienced handler.

Pro positive – Only work dogs with treats/rewards can also create a problem. Most pro positive dog trainers don’t have proper knowledge of dog behavior, they do not consider the drives or the hardness / softness in a dog !Also they fail to understand the importance & timing of treat withdrawal .

Negative / only compulsion – Is training where the dog learn to negotiate the compulsion by offering the wanted behavior.

Balanced approach – Is some who work as per the environment of the dog! Understanding where the dog has to live & with whom. Making it super important to cap some drives, while building others which may need to be enhanced.

For details or clarifications please feel free to call, Advice is free (precaution is better, as the cure will be hard) !

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