Benifits of boarding & training

Benifits of boarding & training

Benifits of boarding & training

Boarding and training a dog can be highly beneficial for both the dog and its owner. Here are some of the key reasons why boarding and training are important for dogs:
# Basic obedience commands are imprinted (sit, stay, down, heel, sit stay, down stay & recall) these commands are to dog training what the  alphabets are to the English language. Once the dog has perfected these commands, chaining other commands & task becomes much easier
# Behavior Modification- Boarding and training program can address specific behavior problems or unwanted habits in dogs that the owners  are seeking help for, such as excessive barking, jumping on people, chewing, or aggression. A professional trainer can assess the  underlying causes of these behaviors and implement an effective training program for you to follow & manage the dog’s behavior.
# Consistency and Structure- Boarding and training program provides an environment where training and conditioning routines are consistently conducted with perfect practice .Helping the behavior become second nature to the dog.
# Socialization- Boarding and training program provides opportunities for the dog to be consistently socialized with dogs ,different people &  in different environments too .Socializing does not mean going for a dog party ,what it really mean is that your dog should behave  appropriately in society & should not be a menace or a danger to society .
# Peace of Mind for Owners- Boarding and training programs can provide peace of mind for dog owners, especially when they need to be  away for a period of time. They can be rest assured that their dog is well-cared for, receiving appropriate training and socialization, and  staying in a safe environment. This alleviates concerns about their dog’s behavior or well-being while they are absent.
# Boarding & training program for pet dog obedience is generally a two month course .In the first month the dog is working for a consistent  lure ,which is faded away in the second month proofing program because of which the behavior becomes more consistent & reliable .

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